Wednesday, 25 January 2012

My Allotment and thoughts about Hartley Wintney Festival

I recently acquired half an allotment space in Hartley Wintney. I have waited nearly thirteen years. This is drawn from one of the many photos I have taken of the site.  This bit is not mine but I like the horizontal layers dividing up the space. Drawn initially in watercolour and pencil, I then scanned it in to Photoshop and drew in to the image- and couldn't stop.

Hartley Wintney Summer Festival- June 2012
I must start collating together lots of drawings so I can put together a collection of paintings to sell. I will be out and about photographing and drawing local scenes. Initial ideas are to focus on the cricket- the players and spectators. You will be able to follow my progress here!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

22nd January 2012- Holly, Sam and Jack

I drew this yesterday from a holiday photo. The summer months are the best and this image reminds me of hopefully what is to come.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Rose's Sketchbook

 January 20th 2012
I've decided to start up a blog documenting my sketchbook work. Until recently this barely existed except during the summer holiday trip with the family. The idea of 'Rose's sketchbook' is to motivate me to do at least a sketch a day.

This is Jack, my youngest son. Having three children generally becomes a big part of your life.  So they will feature quite a bit and are lovely willing subjects - most of the time.